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Land for Wildlife


Updated: Feb 13, 2022

Have you ever seen these signs - "Land for Wildlife". You'll see them beside country roads, usually in bush areas.

Land for Wildlife

We had seen them around this area but didn't really know what they meant apart from the obvious. It wasn't until our local council, while searching for an endangered plant species in our area, put us in contact with The Clarence Environment Centre.

The Community Environment Network (CEN) and specifically in this region the Clarence Environment Centre (CEC) run the "Land for Wildlife" project. It aims to encourage and assist private landholders with nature conservation.

We contacted the Clarence Environment Centre and they were very enthusiastic to come out to the property to survey the plants here. Being part of Land for Wildlife is not legally binding but gives you access to experienced and knowledgeable people regarding conservation and pest management.

John and Pat Edwards checking out the grass trees.

It was a huge pleasure to welcome John and Pat Edwards from CEC, to Istari to carry out the plant survey.

We set off covering the young growing forest, skirting the wetlands and walking by the creek, all the newly regrown areas which had been almost completely cleared thirty years ago. We stuck to our bush paths except when John saw something of interest further in the bush.

Following that we walked the bush paths through the higher areas covered with banksias and open forest, including the vulnerable Angophora Robor. A different environment completely.

John and Pat are amazing to walk through the bush with as they can identify everything that they pass, stopping to discuss a find regularly. Their enthusiasm and knowledge was a delight. Terry was taking in as much as he could. I was just trying to keep up!

John used a species list we had already compiled to correct (there were many of these) and importantly confirm what we had identified and add to the list. By the end of the walk John had recorded 184 species of plant.

We arranged a second visit and decided to walk to the other end of the property covering a number of different habitats including some different open forest with tall old grass trees, more wetlands and the larger creek habitats. No paths this time.

This was another fantastic walk, finding another endangered species and recording many more species. John was introduced to some of the wildlife when he ran into a red belly black snake.

John and Terry spent some time comparing lists afterwards and also some photos we have taken of plants on the property.

We now have a new list of plants. We have now recorded over 300 plant species. Check out our new Istari Plant List. We are building more information and adding photos.

We found three plants which are endangered (unfortunately not the one the council was looking for), others rare and many protected. We are sure there are more plants to be found, especially ground orchids.

It is incredible to see the diversity, especially from the mainly cleared view of the 1970s. So much has returned, many rainforest plants.

We now have our own sign proudly on show at the entrance to the property.

Terry putting up the new Land for Wildlife sign.

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